



本身是一名學生, 在香港, 沒有申請任何credit card! 暑假去加拿大一段時間, 想問應該申請邊一張credit card正確呢? 我知道有些credit card可以有埋世界學生證之用, 但事實上, 有沒有用處呢? 另外, 去當地一段時間, 當然會用較多的金錢, 係香港, 我冇錢可以去銀行禁, 咁如果我係果邊, 又有咩方法可以拎錢呢? (本身個account係hsbc) 唔通真係禁一舊錢拎過去??? 更新: thanks! im going to vancouver. i have applied Aeon visa card today, which is for student and it can be an international student card. i think it is helpful. so if i withdrawn money from HSBC in canada, does it cost any charges? also, i dont know what 4# means, i just have 6# password.


啱啱線至問完HKBank,襟機冇手續費.襟一百算100,以當時匯價計算.Counter就唔得,因為system 唔同.直情當係TT. 你唔知你四位密碼,你可以問銀行.我自己試過.洗光啲錢至發覺密碼符.情急下,撞六位嘅後四位.(Ex:123456,我入3456)竟然有錢出.開心到我!拿!我個日時運高,唔代表你又得! 仲有,好多信用咭,攞去外國用.(香港咭去美國,美國咭去香港)都收2-3%手續費.包括VISA, master, (AE收2%)完全睇你間發咭銀行.用支前問清楚.





HSBC is international-wise. you can definitely 禁錢 around the world, witih service charge though. I remember when I applied it, they asked me to set 4 # or 6 # passwords, they said 4 # password is for international purpose, so when u 禁錢 in other countries, they all accept 4 #. as a student, it's so hard to apply a credit card oversea, you better apply it when you're in HK. Unless you're citizen. also, there's some temporary/short term visa/master card offered at the bank. They're used for travelling on purpose, go to hsbc to ask!! 2007-04-23 20:42:36 補充: you go back to HSBC to ask again, 6# is for local, 4# is for international ga.... HSBC must know! u can set up a new password if u want|||||Get either a Visa or MasterCard. They are commonly accepted in Canada. You can use Visa/MasterCard at many place in Canada, even at McDonald, convenience stores, etc. There are HSBC branches in some cities such as Toronto and Vancouver in Canada. I believe you can withdraw money with your HSBC bank card at most of the ABM, as long as they support some common system such as PLUS. Which city/cities are you going to visit?

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