
interview introduce


我想知我個introduce文法上有無錯Hello! Sir/Madam, good afternoon. My name is Wayne, 19 years old.I'm interested in this course, so I am here. Let me introduce myself. I graduated from xx School, in 2009. I used to be a unqualified student, when I was in secondary school. I don't know why, I'm here also... 顯示更多 我想知我個introduce文法上有無錯 Hello! Sir/Madam, good afternoon. My name is Wayne, 19 years old. I'm interested in this course, so I am here. Let me introduce myself. I graduated from xx School, in 2009. I used to be a unqualified student, when I was in secondary school. I don't know why, I'm here also don't understand study for what? I was very lazy at that time. I refuse learning, just slept in the lesson. Than I had a horrible/terrible <-----Which word I should use? grade to graduate.(here I want to say I graduate with a bad grade) But, I went to work. I found my qualification is not enough to be a policeman. It's too late to wake. I waste few years already. So I have to study as harder and harder. As you see, I was graduated from Yin Ji project a year ago. Last year I went there once, unfortunately I was fail in an interview. Because of my English level not enough to be able to handle the lesson and homework. I was feeling down at that time. But I won't give up, I immediately join English Town- a language school. So, I hope you sir can give me a chance to join your class, please. Sir. I’ll try my best, I won’t waste this quota.(?-I mean I will not waste the quota of the lesson that the lesson have a limited of student number.)


其實(請不要介意我這樣說)文法上不只一個錯既... Hello! Sir/Madam, good afternoon. My name is Wayne, 19 years old. I'm interested in this course, so I am here(I joined it) . Let me introduce myself. I graduated from xx School, in 2009. I used to be a unqualified student, when I was in secondary school. I don't know why, I'm here also don't understand study for what? (Since I was studying in secondary school until now,I don't know/understand the purpose of study )I was very lazy at that time. I refuse learning, just slept in the lesson. Than (Then)I had a horrible/terrible <-----Which word I should use? (the meaning of this two words are the same so you can choose either one) grade to graduate.(here I want to say I graduate with a bad grade) (Then I graduated with a bad grade who was very horrible/terrible) But, I went to work. I found my qualification is not enough to be a policeman. It's too late to wake myself up . I waste few (several) years already. So I have to study as harder and harder(一係就as harder as I can,一係就唔要as就咁study harder and harder,因為英文無as harder and harder ). As you see, I was graduated from Yin Ji project a year ago. Last year I went there once, unfortunately I was (no was, I mean "I failed in an interview.' )fail in an interview. Because of my English level. It is not enough to be able to handle the lesson and homework. I was feeling down(I felt depressed/disappointed ) at that time. But I won't give up, I immediately join English Town- a language school.(I joined a language school,English Town immediately.) So, I hope you sir (no sir will be better) can give me a chance to join your class, please. Sir. I’ll try my best, I won’t waste this quota.(?-I mean I will not waste the quota of the lesson that the lesson have a limited of student number.) (just I won't waste this quota, you are correct) 2011-08-03 10:03:14 補充: 超過字限不能補充內容,不好意思 Go through the mistakes... 1.太「Chinese English」,中文唔可以原封不動譯成英文 2.有D是書寫上的錯誤,例如English Town- a language school,第一 英文無引號(即是----) ,中文先用「---- 」英文用「,」第二你調轉咗,話咗一間學校之後先解釋邊間,不過你這個是introduction,講出來佢不能留意這些mistakes,所以我無改到,但是都要提提你, 2011-08-03 10:03:24 補充: 「.」之後唔用But用However,But永遠用在句子中間。Then是之後,Than是一樣東西同另一樣東西比較,俐如 He eats faster than her / I am taller than my cousin.不要搞錯這兩個字。 3.I waste few (several) years already. 我不是話你用few錯,不過我覺得several好一點 希望幫到你及面試順利啦! Hope I can help you and succeed in interview!! 2011-08-04 18:00:02 補充: 不要這麼客氣!! Um....其實這個問題.... 以我讀緊中學的程度見到個「刑事司法及執法」真是有點深奧...哈 不過我都幾多面試咁既,以我應該唔夠你多的經驗呢.... 個面試你的人多數問你為何參加這個課程、它有何吸引你、你對這個課程有何目標或期望(想學到甚麼)、如果你這課程是關於「刑事司法及執法」,佢可以問你對這知識有何認識(表面簡單那些)等等啦.... 如果你話個面試主要考你英文程度,應該會在以上問題抽兩至四題用英文問你,咁你就要準備下,不過我的經驗就是面試時不要照稿背出,因為失敗機會較高,要有D位臨場發揮,就算英文文法定係讀音錯都算,這樣自然D又無咁緊張導致失手, 2011-08-04 18:08:15 補充: 祝面試成功啦!! P.S.有D變態D的面試官可能仲會問你一些開放式問題或時事問題,即以你「刑事司法及執法」的課程,可能會問你開放式問題中的議論性問題或近期社會關於刑事司法及執法的大事新聞,不過如果你的面試以英文形式進行,應該唔不會問到咁深咁變態,所以應該唔洗咁驚既.... 其實以我程度唔知答唔答到你的問題,希望幫到你啦!!


Ohh~thanks again 多麼熱心的回覆>< 十分感謝你這麼認真的回答, 真的幫了我不少。 全因為你,我現在充滿自信去面試。^^" 順帶一問 what question would be possible to ask me? the lesson is allabout 刑事司法及執法 ,but the intereview main object is to test the my english level. 2011-08-05 04:24:10 補充: O..原來係感 明白~ 你已答到我的問題了 嗯~希望成功la今次 我都祝番你學業進步:D|||||1.I'm interested in this course, so I am here. 1.I'm interested in this course,so I join this crouse. 我睇個另外個D,都寫得己好 我希望幫到你la;]




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