pronouns(subject or object)When we grew up,there was no need to rely on(17)_____so much.She had less housework to do.It was the time for(18)_____to take a rest.But,unfortunately.(19)_____had got lung cancer.It was probably due to her smoking habit.(20)_____had to go to the hospital in her remaining... 顯示更多 pronouns(subject or object) When we grew up,there was no need to rely on(17)_____so much. She had less housework to do.It was the time for(18)_____to take a rest.But,unfortunately.(19)_____had got lung cancer.It was probably due to her smoking habit.(20)_____had to go to the hospital in her remaining life.Soon,(21)_____died.It was just regrettable.(23)_____ had not enjoyed anything before she died.It was unfair for(24)_____.
17.her 18.her 19. She 20. She 21. she 22. She 23. her 2007-08-21 17:56:12 補充: Sorry! One answer is left out.The correct answers should be:17.her18.her19. She20. She21. she22. She23. She24. her
1.her 2.he 3.she 4.she 5.she 6.she 7.her (These her and she are the writter's mother.) 2007-08-22 16:15:17 補充: sorry, 2.herIt is because those are the mother, mother should be .her.|||||17.her 18.her 19.She 20.She 21.she 23.She 24.her 希望可以幫到您^^ 2007-08-25 22:26:02 補充: sorri i left out one also>