runescape,,,,where is x'mas tree??
runescape,,,,where is x'mas tree?? 更新: i want a x'mas tree.... 更新 2: i want XMAS tree!!!!!
今年當然有x'mas tree啦 不過要係runescape member才可以得到 要得到就係同non member 一樣 完成 x'mas update 既 event 不過當你完成了 x'mas update之後, 你的reward 除了那頂鹿角hat 之外 多了一棵可以放在你construction skill 那間屋的 x'mas tree 2006-12-25 18:54:47 補充: 在我個forum...有圖為証http://www.myorc.com/showthread.php?t=238463&page=53&;pp=10去睇下啦
In RuneScape this year, the Christmas Tree is a holiday item. After you done the holiday quest, that werewolf will give you a reindeer hat for sure, but if you are in a member server, she will also give you some seed. Go to your Player-Own House and plant that seed into your private garden, it will grow up and be a Christmas Tree. That's all I can provide because I'm f2p... But I sware those are 100% correct =)|||||今年有一個只可以比 "收費會員", 普通會員只可以拎鹿角 helm, 同一個 emote 有圖同說明教你點拎~!! http://lovers.no-ip.org/viewthread.php?tid=667&extra=page%3D1|||||this year is no x'max tree.....