麻煩解左bank reconciliation statement既題目
唔識解題目==''唔該幫幫手解左以下既題目.....同埋教下我點樣解bank reconiliation statement既題目....thxThe bank account in the cash book of Edward, a sole trader, showed a debit balance of $701 at 31 October 2008. This did not agree with the bank statement balance and the following items account for the difference:a.... 顯示更多 唔識解題目=='' 唔該幫幫手解左以下既題目.....同埋教下我點樣解bank reconiliation statement既題目....thx The bank account in the cash book of Edward, a sole trader, showed a debit balance of $701 at 31 October 2008. This did not agree with the bank statement balance and the following items account for the difference: a. On 31 October 2008, he paid into another branch of his bank the sum of $1 04. He recorded this in his cash book but it did not appear on the bank statement until 2 November. b. The bank paid, under a standing order, a subscription to a trade association amounting to $30 and he has not yet been in his cash book. c. Cheques for the following amounts were issued by Edward during October, but these have not been presented for payment: $56, $47, $64. d. During October the bank allowed Edward interest on his account amounting to $34. This has not yet been entered in his cash book. 更新: 請問可以教埋我點樣解題目....去分究竟係咩ACCOUNT??
Step 1 cash book -debit-------------------------------credit-------------------------------------- Bal b/d----------------------701---Standing order(b)---------30 bank interest received(d)---34----Bal c/d--------------------705 Step 2 bank reconiliation statement ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------$-----------------$ Updated cash book balance-----------------------------705 Add(a) another branch of his bank ---104 ------(c)unpresented cheques----------56 -------------------------------------------47 -------------------------------------------64 -------------------------------------------------------------271 Balance on bank statement-------------------------------976 2008-05-19 20:41:16 補充: a.cash book has been recorded this but it did NOT appear on the Bank Statement until 2 November. --statement b. STANDING ORDER $30 and he has NOT yet been in his CASH BOOK. --cash book 2008-05-19 20:41:31 補充: c. UNPRESENTED CHEQUES : $56, $47, $64. (This impiles that cash book had been credited, so no more adjustment for cash book) --statement d. bank interest allowed $34. This has NOT yet been entered in hisCASH BOOK. --cash book P.S. bank reconiliation statement is NOT an account 2008-05-19 20:45:07 補充: 另外,以上純粹個人答案, 不一定全對