Yoki 兄, 煩請回答小女子以下之組合
858 10K 2.69 1883 20K 3.08 199 50K 0.76 2380 10K 4.33 355 100K 0.249 1398 5K 4.91 15 96K 0.46 8203 20K 0.45 應該沽那隻, 留那隻? 可以的話, 請快回! Thks a lot! 更新: Sorry, 加多只隻 22 50K 0.48 thks!
我認為 858 10K 2.69 幅度大可sell some 1883 20K 3.08 hold waiting for 3G 199 50K 0.76 sell some 2380 10K 4.33 hold this stock 355 100K 0.249 hold this stock, 0.3 will have pressure 1398 5K 4.91 hold this stock good for long investment, when arrive 3 give buy more. 15 96K 0.46 sell la, but may be too late 8203 20K 0.45 sell la. 22 50K 0.48 sell la, 一浪低一浪 只作參考, 可能會錯
Yoki 兄, 煩請回答小女子以下之組合
858 10K 2.69 1883 20K 3.08 199 50K 0.76 2380 10K 4.33 355 100K 0.249 1398 5K 4.91 15 96K 0.46 8203 20K 0.45 應該沽那隻, 留那隻? 可以的話, 請快回! Thks a lot! 更新: Sorry, 加多只隻 22 50K 0.48 thks!
我認為 858 10K 2.69 幅度大可sell some 1883 20K 3.08 hold waiting for 3G 199 50K 0.76 sell some 2380 10K 4.33 hold this stock 355 100K 0.249 hold this stock, 0.3 will have pressure 1398 5K 4.91 hold this stock good for long investment, when arrive 3 give buy more. 15 96K 0.46 sell la, but may be too late 8203 20K 0.45 sell la. 22 50K 0.48 sell la, 一浪低一浪 只作參考, 可能會錯