最新一期之賬單已經收到, 到期為5月31日, 請儘快計算, 以免過期罸款. 上期賬單罸款可以被豁免, 只是純粹僥倖, 要知道當有問題發生時, 我們總不能獨善其身的.
最新一期之賬單已經收到, 到期為5月31日, 請儘快計算, 以免過期罸款. 上期賬單罸款可以被豁免, 只是純粹僥倖, 要知道當有問題發生時, 我們總不能獨善其身的 The latest issue of the bill has been received, the maturity of May 31, calculate as soon as possible, in order to avoid overdue fines. The fine may be waived on the bill, just pure luck, you know when there is a problem occurs, we can not tackle alone.
最新一期之賬單已經收到, 到期為5月31日, 請儘快計算, 以免過期罸款. 上期賬單罸款可以被豁免, 只是純粹僥倖, 要知道當有問題發生時, 我們總不能獨善其身的. In case, you have already received the latest invoice then be prepared to check and pay prior to due date on 31lst of May so as to avoid fine. The fine of overdue invoice of preceding month can be waived and it is really lucky; but everyone ought to know when things happened, we cannot refrain from our responsibility.