



請幫忙~時間應該點寫? 如早上,同夜晚的分別會不同嗎? 例:8:00AM=eight o ' clock 8:00PM=eight o ' clock(用英文寫會用24小時制嗎?) 同埋當時針指向每一分鐘又應該點寫呢? 例:0:05/0:10/0:15/0:20/0:25/0:30/0:35/0:40/0:45/0:50/0:55/0:59?? *請詳細





8am = 8 o'clock in the morning, 8 in the morning 8pm = 8 o'clock in the evening, 8 in the evening 8:00 = eight sharp, eight o'clock 8:05 = five (minutes) past eight, eight oh five 8:10 = ten (minutes) past eight, eight ten 8:15 = fifteen (minutes) past eight, a quarter past eight, eight fifteen 8:30 = half past eight, eight thirty 8:35 = twenty-five (minutes) to nine, eight thirty-five 8:45 = fifteen (minutes) to nine, a quarter to/till nine, eight forty-five 若是他人已知道時,而想知道分鐘,你可以回答: :05 = five past :10 = ten past :15 = a quarter past; fifteen past :30 = at the half hour; thirty past :35 = twenty-five till; thirty-five past :45 = a quarter till; forty-five past 若是唸24小時的時間: 0800: zero eight hundred hours; zero eight hundred; oh eight hundred 0805: zero eight zero five; oh eight oh five 0815: zero eight fifteen 0830: zero eight thirty 1515: fifteen fifteen 0000: zero hour 0005: zero hour zero five 0030: zero hour thirty


回應第一位朋友, 應該是in the morning/ afternoon/ evening at 是用於 at dawn/ noon/ midnight e.g. I have a meeting with him at noon. 英文有24小時制, 不過通常都是那些要24小時輪值的工作場所才用 例如火車站, 警隊, 軍隊等等 平常人較少用 有時甚至會聽到特別的講法 (尤其是美國軍人) 如: 13.00 ? thirteen hundred (可加hour在最後) 03.05 ? oh three oh five hours 在英國的火車站也會聽到如下: 00.15 ? midnight fifteen 06.03 ? oh six oh three hours 平常的12小時制: 整點 8.00am ? eight o’clock in the morning 搭半 9.30am ? half past nine in the morning 未到搭半 10.05am ? five minutes past ten in the morning 未到搭正 10.50am ? ten minutes to eleven in the morning 搭三 10.15am ? a quarter past ten in the morning 搭九 10.45am ? a quarter to eleven in the morning 中午12點 twelve o’clock noon / noon / twelve noon 凌晨12點 twelve o’clock midnight/ midnight/ twelve midnight 將到中午/凌晨 11.56 am/pm ? four minutes to noon/ midnight 過了中午/凌晨 12.06 am/pm ? six minutes past noon/ midnight **這情況下不用加at在noon或midnight前 **以數字表示時, 為了不會混淆, 會寫12 noon / 12 midnight, 而非12 am / 12pm 想更口語化, 可以省略o’clock, minute等字 例如: 10.05am ? five past ten in the morning 抑或是單念數字(個位數的分鐘加oh/zero) 例如: 10.05am ? ten oh five am/ in the morning 10.35am ? ten thirty five am/ in the morning 不過單念數字這方法較少用在書寫上|||||8:00AM=eight o ' clock in the morning 8:00PM=eight o ' clock in the evening 8:15PM eight fifteen PM [conversation] fifteen minutes past eight in the evening [writing] 8:30PM eight thirty pm [conversation] half past eight in the evening 8:35PM eight thirty five PM [conversation] thirty five minutes past eight in the evening twenty five minutes to nine o'clock in the evening [writing] 6:00PM six o'clock in the afternoon 7:00PM seven o'clock in the evening 9:00PM nine o'clock at night 11:00 PM eleven o'clock at night 5:00AM five o'clock at dawn 6:00AM six o'clock in the morning 2006-11-30 13:26:55 補充: 8:45PM eight thirty five PM [conversation]forty five minutes past eight in the evening ORa quarter to nine o'clock in the evening [writing] 2006-11-30 13:28:14 補充: 8:15PM eight fifteen PM OR a quarter past eight PM [conversation]fifteen minutes past eight in the evening [writing]a quarter past eight o'clock in the evening|||||8:00AM=eight o ' clock (可以話eight o'clock in the morning) 8:00PM=eight o ' clock (=eight o'clock in the evening) 24小時制就話就係 at time 2200. 0:05/0:10/0:15/0:20/0:25/0:30/0:35/0:40/0:45/0:50/0:55/0:59秒就只係直接講 5seconds/10seconds/15seconds/20seconds/25seconds.......咁樣|||||其實英文也有24小時制 10:14 ten fourteen 同樣道理,0:05應該是zero five,如此類推0:59 zero fifty nine 2006-11-30 11:28:41 補充: 請問樓上那位仁兄,twelve thirty five 不是24小時制的12:35即下正午12:35分嗎?|||||8:00AM=eight o ' clock at morning 8:00PM=eight o ' clock at evening 0:05/0:10/0:15/0:20/0:25/0:30/0:35/0:40/0:45/0:50/0:55/0:59 0:05 five past twelve at morning 0:10 ten past twelve at morning 0:15 fifteen past ......... 如果過左30分鐘就: 0:35 twenty five minutes to one o'clock (還有二十五分鐘到一點鐘,即60分鐘減35分鐘) 其他一樣照減,但日常生活好少人會咁講,因為太麻煩,通常都就咁講時及分,例如0:35 就講 twelve thirty five 或 midnight thirty five.

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