I can't disagree more
'' I can't disagree more '' It means 'agree' or ' not agree' ? And why? THANKX!
'' I can't disagree more '' = 'I don't agree' = ‘I disagree absolutely’ (to the maximum) = I can't disagree even a little bit more than what I do now.
在這帖真學懂不少,感激大家如此有責任的去多補充註解&資料,非常有用&有幫助 現大致了解,唯獨不明是"外國人何解將英語結構弄得如此複雜?",中文同意不同意,盡只得三字,且既有totally,definitely, so much等,何不直接點i entirely disagree反說"我不可能比這個更不同意","沒有比這更同意"?|||||Interesting reference for discerning Can/Could/couldn't/can't- Disagree/agree with you more : http://www.englishforums.com/English/CanCouldCouldntCantDisagreeAgree-More/znqrk/post.htm|||||I couldn't disagree with you more. => This means I disagree with you completely. I disagree 100%, and it's not possible to disagree more than that. I can't disagree with you more ~ not used as "standard" expressions. It sounds weird to me. 2011-04-17 09:14:47 補充: I have just looked it up from Cambridge dictionary online. They only have “could/couldn’t agree more”, not “can/can’t agree more” http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/couldn-t-agree-disagree-more#couldn-t-agree-disagree-more__1|||||I agree with Pepe Pirot. In this sentence structure, "cannot" refers to the adverb "more", not the verb "disagree", meaning I cannot exceed the way I disagree". Therefore: I cannot disagree more means "I totally disagree"; I cannot agree more means "I totally agree", I couldn't care less means "I don't care at all". 2011-04-17 02:40:37 補充: Oops. I didn't mean to post this as an answer. Please treat it as an opinion. 2011-04-17 05:43:26 補充: Without the adverb "more", the "can not" in the sentence "I can not disagree" refers directly to the verb "disagree", so the two negative meanings together create a positive meaning. Therefore, "I can not disagree" means "I must agree".l 2011-04-20 08:25:25 補充: eicachan: The referenced posting did confirm "I couldn't agree/disagree more" as the standard usage. It also indicated "I can't agree more" as acceptable, but not "I can't disagree more". That seems odd.|||||" I can't agree more. " = " I agree to the utmost extent. " which means "I do absolutely agree." 2011-04-17 12:20:05 補充: I couldn't agree more with Godfrey's explanation.