
Math question(S2)


1. For two consecutive multiples of 5, the smaller number is greater than half of the larger one. Find the least values of these two number. 2.x is greater than y by 5,and the sum of x and y is less that 49. Find the largest value of x if x is an integer.





1.Let the smaller consecutive multiples of 5 is x. The bigger one is x+5 x小於(x+5)/2 2x小於x+5 x小於5 so the least values of these two number are 10 and (10+5)=15. 2.x大於y+5...(1) x+y小於49...(2) From(1), y小於x-5 Sub (1) into (2), x+x-5小於49 2x小於54 x小於27 so the largest value of x is 26.


第一條唔知 第二條X係27 Y係21 可能唔對|||||1 let the two number be x and x+1 5x>(x+1)*5 / 2 5x>2.5x+2.5 2.5x>2.5 x>1 the least values of these two number are 2 and 3 (2+1) 2, x = y+5,代入xy<49 (y+5)*y <49 y<5 the largest value of x is 4 2008-06-05 19:46:05 補充: > 等於大於 < 等於小於 2008-06-05 19:46:55 補充: >等於大於 <等於小於 顯示唔到

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