如何賺錢(runescape)? name:goodkeith1 我的lvl: att:33 str:35 def:31 range:1 magic:23 pray:15 runecrafting:4 hitpoint:33 crathing:28 mining:44 smith:37 fishing:20 cook:39 fire:18 wood:21 p.s.not member 更新: 邊道同點樣train range,magic,hitpoint,crathing,mining,smith,fishing and cook,最好? 更新 2: can i have yours uesr name???
for ur lvl, u dont got much high skill, if uwant to earn sum quick cash, just to air running la, 1-2.5k each go (shall take less then 5 min), so about 20k-50k per hour if u want to know how to , here r the video,and u will understand it all after that : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM0DFXuz_is after u got money, go to world one and u can start earning by buy and sell, u can buy some thing really easy to earn such as rune scimy, i buy it for 23k and sell it for 30k when i m low lvl, 7k each time , or rare item u can buy.. there is a danger of price drop....so u got to look into the market really closely, u can checked in this website for mareket price, it update everyday, http://www.zybez.net/priceguide.php?category=106 but if u want to train ur skill with earning money, i will suggest u to do mining, ur mining is 44,so should be able to mine coal and iron now, make steel bar from them , they r 500-1k each, this also grain u xp for mining=) but i will not suggest u to go on other as the other was a bit too low , that u suppose to train on first. if u want to just concentrate on training skill : range:::u could train range by getting about 1k arrow, then go to the hole in the brb-village, the moinster in there drop 1-15 iron arrow after dead, cash ,and also bone, it can also to up ur hp and prayer in the same time (prayer if u bury the bones) for crafting, o couse is attack cow and get cw hide for the cheapest, u could kill the cow next to the lumbridge, so u can go to craft them right away, but if u want,u can just buy uncut and craft, then sell them back (if u do that ,do in world 1,price show in the website above) fishing and cooking :fishing the one opposite the cow in lumbridge , till u can fly fishing so u can just sell them afterward in gerenal shop right away or give them to low lvl . or if u want,in the bankbut cook them to grain the cooking xp, minig and smith :told as above steel bar =) or if u want, just buy bar and smith them or buy ore 2007-11-13 04:50:52 補充: actually, i been thinking,u could do as below plan ,fish and cook after u r able to do fly fishing , then do flyfishing next to the brb village,then cook and kill in the hole where u get rainbow boot for arrow,then come out ,after happy range lvl , 2007-11-13 04:51:28 補充: no space:so i continue here:sell the arrow, and use the cash to buy coal and iron,smith ,sell them as steel bar,then can get uncut,or train magic ,crafting , prayer all at once by kill cow and cololecting cowhide(if u want , u can also sell the cow hide)if u just buy uncut, 2007-11-13 04:52:31 補充: sell them afterward, |then buy the magic rune and training in magic tower,can tele grab the rune mad helm that the lesser demon might drop.good luck on ur training =) 2007-11-13 04:52:54 補充: just the last to say to the above top,he is asking how to earn cash and train up ,not asking about what lvl u r , 2007-11-14 00:45:18 補充: my username is 67g fighter (noob ac) and also lynnpang i got one caled debbie6_7 ,but it got hack ~
kill hill giants until ur combat is 60. 60 then kill moss giant. u sell bbones and limpwrut. train mining and smithing because u can make ur own items and can rearn money, GO TO WWW.RUNEHQ.COM for more information!|||||you can lvl up to fishing smithing mining woodcutting crafting runecrafting i think mining smithing will good for you if you have any problem ADD eric12345151 (mining 60 smithing 52 fishibg 53 cooking 56 attack 64 strength 60 defence 55 magic 29 crafting 38 firemaking 50 )