我想keep fit+煉腹肌+胸肌+老鼠仔(20點)
如上: 屋企乜野刀無~~! 比一D方法~~ 1個月~~(最好45mins左右/>45) ps:本人超重7kg= =|| 12就來13 高:156cm 重:60kg 唔該唔好抄 我全睇曬啦~
You are still young to do the weight training anyway, I will suggest you run for 30 mins non-stop every other day, before the run has warm up and after haver cool down, all together will around 45 - 50 mins. You can try the folllowing exercises, they are using your own body weigh, maybe you already do them in your PE lessons, train every two days, your muscle need rest. Chest: dips, push-ups (hands are closer), push-ups (all various forms) Bicep: pull-up Tricep: dips, Abs: crunches (all various forms), sit-ups, leg pull-in There are no quick fix about lose your body fat and gain muscle, exercises and diet are the most healthy way, maybe it take a longer time, but it'e better safe than sorry.