WD 40 on rusted RCA plugs?
I have a rusted RCA plug that I would like to use. Since I don't do much DIYing, I don't have different sprays and don't want to spent money to purchase a can just to clean a single plug. I do have a can of WD-40, some say that it sucks out the moisture (which is good) but forms a layer of insulation... 顯示更多 I have a rusted RCA plug that I would like to use. Since I don't do much DIYing, I don't have different sprays and don't want to spent money to purchase a can just to clean a single plug. I do have a can of WD-40, some say that it sucks out the moisture (which is good) but forms a layer of insulation (bad), WD-40 official website says that "2. DISPLACES MOISTURE: Because WD-40 displaces moisture, it quickly dries out electrical systems to eliminate moisture-induced short circuits.", making it suitable for electronic contacts? I don't know what to do. Any cheap home solution? Alcohol?
回答用中文, 如要英文我再補充。 WD40是 潤滑油, 常用於機械潤滑使用, 其產生的油膜可以 抗鏽, 但不具腐蝕性。 個人建議: 音響RCA 頭的修復, 用WD-40 是可以的, 有時我也是這樣做。 先用WD-40 噴過RCA頭生鏽的部份, 等一些時間如15分鐘, 鏽漬溶解之後, 用紙巾/棉花棒揩除鏽漬及過多的油性 便可以使用了。 如果你用火酒洗掉那層油性, 恐怕個頭失去保護膜會再生鏽。 但電路板上就不建議使用。 火酒不能溶解鏽漬。
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