His income mainly comes from the trade fees. Eech order receives 5% trade fees. If everyday receives 2000 orders, and each order is $30, then the income will be 2000x30x0.05=$3000. The most important thing are operated by the data base instead of human brain. He earn a certain amount of money so easily, it is one of the reasons why he is sucessed.
Its income source is mainly from to trade expenses, connecting an order each time, collect 5% bargain expenseses.Suppose to connect 2000 orders everyday, and each order BE$30, the so daily income would is the 2000 xes 30 xes 0.05=$3000.Most important of is all only depend on a database operation, and don't use hand.Can earn fixed money so easily and then, this is his successful of a main element.|||||Its income source is mainly from to trade expenses, connecting an order each time, collect 5% bargain expenseses.Suppose to connect 2000 orders everyday, and each order BE$30, the so daily income would is the 2000 xes 30 xes 0.05=$3000.Most important of is all only depend on a database operation, and don't use hand.Can earn fixed money so easily and then, this is his successful of a main element. 它的收入來源主要是來自交易費用,每接一個order,就收5%的交易費用。假設每日接2000個order,而每個order是$30,那麼每日的收入便是2000x30x0.05=$3000。最重要的是全部只靠數據庫操作,而不用人手。這麼輕易便能賺到固定的金錢,這是他成功的一個主要元素。|||||The main income comes from trading fee. You will get 5% of the trading fee when getting one order. If you get 2000 orders a day and each order cost $30, then your income is 2000 x 30 x 0.05 = $3000. The most important is that just carry out by the data base but the human being. It is such a easy way to earn stable money. That is his element of success.|||||Its income source is mainly from to trade expenses, connecting an order each time, collect 5% bargain expenseses.Suppose to connect 2000 orders everyday, and each order $30, the so daily income would is the 2000 x 30 x 0.05=$3000.Most important of is all only depend on a database operation, and don't use hand.Can earn fixed money so easily and then, this is his successful of a main element.